Multi Generational Debt Collections!

Real News broadcast on The Blaze covered a news story detailing how our own government managed to slip into a 2011 farm bill the removal of the 10 year statute of limitations at which our government, whether it be the Social Security Administration or any program paying out money, can collect what they claim as being owed to them.  In the case mentioned on the news it was the Social Security Administration that went after money they said was unduly paid out.  Now, also keep in mind that the government does not have to show any kind of real proof that money is due.  The news program had the example of a woman, who was to receive over four thousand dollars back on her tax refund instead lost it all to the SS claimed as an overpayment back in 1977….. to this woman’s mother.    Yes, you read it right.  This woman was just a little girl back in 1977, when her mother, who died four years ago, received around $2900 from SS.  We now live in a country where the government can claim you owe money that your parents, grandparents, or even great grandparents received in error or didn’t pay when due.  When the government couldn’t collect from this woman’s mother, they took it from her daughter.  The broadcast brought up the term feudalism.  I think that term fits well with this kind of barbaric action applied to citizens of any society.

What congress person could actually think of putting this kind of language into a bill, a farm bill no doubt?  I will do some research on this and try to determine who is responsible for this single sentence inserted into a bill that became law.

shutterstock_63443764Friends, we have got to get a handle on our congress, our representatives, OUR government.  I am floored to even hear that this kind of thing has happened.  How in the world can anyone think that it would be fair that we should pay a debt for a family member, who we may never have known?  This is ridiculous.  Now, this kind of debt isn’t foreign to us, we all know OUR government has over spent and now as citizens we owe trillions of dollars that our future generations will be paying.

If you ask me, I think that the previous allowance of 10 years back was being very forgiving toward our government, but to remove that and to not put in place any kind of restriction on the government for looking back is absurd.   Real News also reported that up to 75% of what the government has collected has been on debt older than 10 years, in all an amount close to 2 billion dollars.

Brothers and sisters, it certainly appears that our government has gone to extreme measures to raise funds to feed their ever increasing hunger.  It certainly doesn’t bother them to spend billions of dollars we don’t have, why should it bother them to steal it as well.

The bible says that we are to obey our leaders and to respect the laws of the land, as we should, provide they don’t go against the laws of God.  However, we do live in a free country,  so many have lost their lives to create, which means that we can all gather our voices into votes and funnel those votes to those citizens who will go make these needed changes in OUR government.  Can we all agree on this?

Lets be smart, get involved, and take back OUR government.  Take care, and remember to always be ready for our coming Christ.  God Bless.

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