Are You a Wolf or a Sheep?

It isn’t hard at least in my eyes to see where in the places we live from our small towns to our big cities there is a growing disease that causes division and separation even between a father and his son. This disease is such that it starts so subtly in disguise as something fair and righteous as something honest and sincere.  Some would say one of its winter coats is that of political correctness.  This disease has its roots in the hearts of its victims, as any calculated predator first conquering the week and the defenseless- unknowing persons, and then moving on to others who may be newly born with meager defenses.  While the truly defenseless persons are not even aware of this disease creeping in and around them, the newly born at least senses that something is not quite right and if wise will seek council from those who are more mature than they.  The craftiness of this disease is to hide its true intentions as a wolf in sheep’s clothing so the saying goes.  The eyes and ears of those who are grown up and mature are very aware of this disease, its disguises and its purpose as well as the outcome of the battle if lost.  The mature know that the victory is theirs, however the battles are where the bruises, nose bleeds and the broken bones occur; even some are fallen.   As with any organized battle group there are those most mature who should be leading and offering advice, support, and nourishment; ones who are the voice of the victory who help others to become more mature as they are.  They lead in a loving way and not by any self-righteous way.  Just as this battle group has leaders and new recruits it has working people in every stage in between.

The Bible teaches us that we all must be born again as new recruits in God’s kingdom. Our objective and our souls desire is to not stay as new recruits but to move on and up in the fullness of the body of Christ.  This means that the Holy Spirit gives all newborns, each of us, gifts to use in growing God’s kingdom on earth so in Heaven.  God teaches us that his kingdom on earth is like a human body.  It is made up of uncountable parts that all must work in order for the body to function correctly.  Each and every part is so important that without a single part, even an eyelash, the body would not have all its armor and would not be a perfect work of God.  God created us in His perfect way.  All of our parts have their purpose.  We learn that when you have discovered your gifts of the Holy Spirit and you begin to use those gifts for the growth of God’s kingdom that you will have joy and purpose to your life.

I was once a full time builder or apprentice carpenter. I loved that work.  While it was physically challenging at times, it was gratifying for me to start with a pile of wood that when completed had a beautiful skin, wonderful protection from the elements, and kept a family warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  While I did not add the skin on that body, or the blood vessels in the walls, or the heart for heat in the winter, I was a critical part of that house.  I suppose I would have been the bone maker.  I put the bones together that would support all those critical things in your home. You know what…. I suppose God would be as the electricity, that unknown force of power that gives life to that home so that we are supported.  (Power companies, and those who provide the channel for that power, don’t get too big a head…without God’s creation you would not be those conductors. Lol)

Let me get back to base here. What I am saying is this.  I see the disease causing division and separation of not loving your neighbor as the root by which the devil will feed his kingdom.  All who are Christians are all Christians together.  We are not divisible, we are not separable, we are not unloving, we are not to be fighting with each other, and we are not to be politically correct when that means calling evil good and good evil.  If one Christian leader moves in the way of love and in the way of increasing the body of Christ we should all support that person whether we “belong” to “his” group or not.  God has no room for jealousy, hate or self-service.  I am not perfect as I still have this human body and fleshly battles, however, I am a Christian and while I strive to take one step forward, occasionally I can take one half step backwards; and on a bad day maybe one full step backwards.  Don’t judge a Christian who can make a mistake and take a step backwards now and again.  Look at yourself to determine if you are filling your part in the body of Christ.  The reason is that God will destroy your bridge behind you from which you came and with the help from the body of Christ you will not fall too far backwards and off that bridge from which you came.  Your Christian brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers should not let you fall off that bridge.  In our growth in Christ, we should recognize and distinguish between the love of a leader to grow God’s kingdom and that of a disease which seeks to destroy all, disguised as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and dawning the latest fashion coat woven in political correctness seeking to devour every heart and if it could the heart of a maturing Christian.

God Bless and remember to love others, especially other Christians, as we are in this battle together.

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